Month: December 2018

Singing Christmas Carols

The sunset as I walked back from class last week.

I’ve recently caught a cold, which is part of the reason why I’m posting this update a day late. I’m just glad it hit me after I was done with the finals for my BCA classes. Being sick on a holiday isn’t fun, but it’s much better than being sick and having to do school work.

Visiting Christmas Markets

Over the month of November, I’ve been working on a project. The idea is you take a one second video every single day, and then cut them all together. I got the idea from a friend of mine who shared the videos she made while studying abroad in Spain earlier this year.

Doing this has been a lot of fun, and I think the small clips will really help me remember my time abroad. I just wish I could’ve started it sooner!

(Video is under the cut)

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