Month: February 2019

Surprise! You Need Surgery

So, I got surgery. I wouldn’t really recommend the whole experience but I’m glad it’s over with now.

The past couple of weeks, I’ve had a pretty painful lump in my chest. Even the feeling of my shirt touching my skin was almost excruciating, but because of the other craziness going on with school and travel, I wasn’t able to make it to the doctor’s office.

Welcome to Night Vale in Cologne!

I’ve started going running again, on my therapist’s orders. I don’t do it often — only twice a week, and only for 30 min or so — but it’s been good. I’ve started getting to know the parks and trails around the castle a little better as a result. Towards the end of the year at Etown, I had started running but fell out of the habit over the summer. I don’t enjoy it as much as I enjoyed fencing, but I had kind of forgotten how important and helpful exercise is, both in the physical and mental sense.

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